Qx v0.6.1
Qt Extensions Library
The Core component is the main module of the Qx library. More...
Files | |
file | qx-abstracterror.h |
The qx-abstracterror.h header file provides access to the base class from which custom error types should be extended for the Error interface. | |
file | qx-algorithm.h |
The qx-algorithm header file provides various mathematical/algorithmic functions. | |
file | qx-error.h |
The qx-error.h header file provides access to the Error interface. | |
file | qx-json.h |
The qx-json header file offers various utilities for JSON data manipulation. | |
file | qx-property.h |
The qx-property.h header file provides access to the Qx Bindable Properties System. | |
file | qx-system.h |
The qx-system header file provides various portable system utilities. | |
Classes | |
class | Qx::AbstractBindableProperty< T > |
The AbstractBindableProperty class provides the baseline feature for bindable properties of the Qx Bindable Properties System. More... | |
class | Qx::AbstractError< EName, ECode > |
The AbstractError template class completes the Error interface and acts as the base class from which specific error types are implemented. More... | |
class | Qx::Array |
The Array class is a collection of static functions pertaining to C-style arrays. More... | |
class | Qx::Base85 |
The Base85 class provides a Base85 encoded string. More... | |
class | Qx::Base85Encoding |
The Base85Encoding class provides the parameters of a particular Base85 string encoding. More... | |
class | Qx::Base85ParseError |
The Base85ParseError class is used to report errors while parsing a Base85 encoded string. More... | |
class | Qx::Bimap< Left, Right > |
The Bimap template class offers a rudimentary bi-directional associative map. More... | |
class | Qx::Bindable< T > |
Bindable is a wrapper class around binding-enabled properties that provides uniform access, regardless of the specific type. More... | |
class | Qx::BitArray |
The BitArray class is a more robust variant of QBitArray, which provides an array of bits. More... | |
class | Qx::ByteArray |
The ByteArray class is a collection of static functions pertaining to QByteArray. More... | |
class | Qx::Char |
The Char class is a collection of static functions pertaining to character types. More... | |
class | Qx::Bimap< Left, Right >::const_iterator |
The Bimap::const_iterator class provides an STL-style const iterator for Bimap. More... | |
class | Qx::Lopmap< Key, T, Compare >::const_iterator |
The Lopmap::const_iterator class provides an STL-style const iterator for Lopmap. More... | |
class | Qx::Lopmap< Key, T, Compare >::const_reverse_iterator |
The Lopmap::const_reverse_iterator class provides an STL-style const reverse iterator for Lopmap. More... | |
class | Qx::Cumulation< K, V > |
The Cumulation template class tracks the sum of multiple key-value components that can be changed independently. More... | |
class | Qx::DateTime |
The DateTime class is a collection of static functions pertaining to date and time. More... | |
class | Qx::DsvParseError |
The DsvParseError class is used to report errors while parsing an array of delimiter separated values. More... | |
class | Qx::DsvTable |
The DsvTable class provides a mutable representation of delimiter-separated values. More... | |
class | Qx::Error |
The Error class acts as an interface for an extensible variety of error objects. More... | |
class | Qx::ExclusiveAccess< AccessType, Mutex > |
The ExclusiveAccess template class is a convenience class that simplifies access to resources secured by a mutex. More... | |
struct | Qx::ExecuteResult |
The ExecuteResult struct contains the result of a call to execute() or shellExecute(). More... | |
class | Qx::FlatMultiSet< T, Compare > |
The FlatMultiSet class is a container whose elements are always sorted. More... | |
class | Qx::FreeIndexTracker |
The FreeIndexTracker class tracks which slots from a given range of indices are in use and which are available. More... | |
class | Qx::GenericError |
The GenericError class is multi-purpose container for storing error information. More... | |
class | Qx::GroupedProgressManager |
The GroupedProgressManager class produces an overall progress value from a collection of progress groups. More... | |
class | Qx::IError |
IError defines the baseline inheritance interface for Qx error types. More... | |
class | Qx::Index< T > |
The Index template class provides a wrapper for integers with the notion of 'first', 'last' and 'null'. More... | |
class | Qx::Integrity |
The Integrity class is a collection of static functions pertaining to data completeness. More... | |
class | Qx::List |
The List class is a collection of static functions pertaining to lists. More... | |
class | Qx::Lopmap< Key, T, Compare > |
The Lopmap class is a template class that provides an "lopsided" associative array. More... | |
class | Qx::ProcessBider |
The ProcessBider class monitors the presence of a process and signals when that process ends. More... | |
class | Qx::ProcessBiderError |
The ProcessBiderError class describes errors than can occur during process biding. More... | |
class | Qx::ProgressGroup |
The ProgressGroup class represents a distinct portion of overall progress to be mediated by GroupedProgressManager. More... | |
class | Qx::Property< T > |
The Property class is a template class that enables automatic property bindings. More... | |
class | Qx::PropertyBinding< T > |
The PropertyBinding class acts as a functor for properties with automatic property bindings. More... | |
class | Qx::PropertyNotifier |
The PropertyNotifier class controls the lifecycle of a change callback installed on a Property. More... | |
class | Qx::QJsonParseErrorAdapter |
Allows QJsonParseError to be used via the Qx::Error interface. More... | |
class | Qx::RegularExpression |
The RegularExpression class is a collection of convenient regular expression statements. More... | |
class | Qx::ScopedConnection |
The ScopedConnection class disconnects a connection when it goes out of scope. More... | |
class | Qx::ScopedPropertyUpdateGroup |
The ScopedPropertyUpdateGroup class starts an update group when constructed and ends it when destroyed. More... | |
class | Qx::SetOnce< T, C > |
The SetOnce template class acts as a container for a value that can only be set once. More... | |
class | Qx::String |
The String class is a collection of static functions pertaining to string types. More... | |
class | Qx::SystemError |
The SystemError class encapsulates system generated errors as an Qx::Error interface compatible object. More... | |
class | Qx::SystemSignalWatcher |
The SystemSignalWatcher class provides a convenient and comprehensive way to react to system defined signals. More... | |
class | Qx::Table< T > |
The Table class is a template class that provides a dynamic two-dimensional array. More... | |
class | Qx::ThreadSafeSingleton< Singleton, Mutex > |
The ThreadSafeSingleton template class provides access to a static singleton instance in a thread-safe manner. More... | |
class | Qx::Traverser< T > |
The Traverser template class provides a const_iterator wrapper for an alternate approach to iterating over a type. More... | |
class | Qx::VersionNumber |
The VersionNumber class extends QVersionNumber to include a dedicated constructor and getter for the fourth version segment. More... | |
Qx Core provides the most commonly used and general purpose functionality of the library, while also acting as a base from which most other components are derived from.
This component roughly mirrors Qt Core in terms of scope and organization.