Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- o -
- Object() : QxJson::Object
- ObjectKey() : QxJson::ObjectKey
- offset() : Qx::Base85ParseError, Qx::DsvParseError
- onlyShowIn() : Qx::DesktopEntry
- openFile() : Qx::FileStreamReader, Qx::FileStreamWriter, Qx::TextStreamReader, Qx::TextStreamWriter
- openLog() : Qx::ApplicationLogger
- operation() : Qx::IoOpReport
- operator bool() : Qx::AbstractError< EName, ECode >, Qx::Error, Qx::PropertyBinding< T >, Qx::ScopedConnection, Qx::SetOnce< T, C >
- operator const T &() : Qx::AbstractBindableProperty< T >, Qx::Bindable< T >
- operator!=() : Qx::AbstractError< EName, ECode >, Qx::Base85, Qx::Base85Encoding, Qx::Bimap< Left, Right >, Qx::Cumulation< K, V >, Qx::Error, Qx::GenericError, Qx::IError, Qx::Lopmap< Key, T, Compare >, Qx::Table< T >
- operator()() : Qx::PropertyBinding< T >
- operator*() : Qx::AbstractBindableProperty< T >, Qx::Bimap< Left, Right >::const_iterator, Qx::Bindable< T >, Qx::ExclusiveAccess< AccessType, Mutex >, Qx::Index< T >, Qx::Lopmap< Key, T, Compare >::const_iterator, Qx::SetOnce< T, C >
- operator*=() : Qx::Index< T >
- operator+() : Qx::BitArray, Qx::Index< T >
- operator++() : Qx::Bimap< Left, Right >::const_iterator, Qx::Index< T >, Qx::Lopmap< Key, T, Compare >::const_iterator
- operator+=() : Qx::BitArray, Qx::Index< T >
- operator-() : Qx::Index< T >
- operator--() : Qx::Index< T >, Qx::Lopmap< Key, T, Compare >::const_iterator
- operator-=() : Qx::Index< T >
- operator->() : Qx::AbstractBindableProperty< T >, Qx::Bindable< T >, Qx::ExclusiveAccess< AccessType, Mutex >, Qx::Lopmap< Key, T, Compare >::const_iterator, Qx::SetOnce< T, C >
- operator/() : Qx::Index< T >
- operator/=() : Qx::Index< T >
- operator<<() : Qx::BitArray, Qx::FileStreamWriter, Qx::TextStreamWriter
- operator<<=() : Qx::BitArray
- operator<=>() : Qx::Index< T >, Qx::TextPos
- operator=() : Qx::AbstractBindableProperty< T >, Qx::Bindable< T >, Qx::ExclusiveAccess< AccessType, Mutex >, Qx::Property< T >, Qx::PropertyNotifier, Qx::ScopedConnection, Qx::SetOnce< T, C >
- operator==() : Qx::AbstractError< EName, ECode >, Qx::Base85, Qx::Base85Encoding, Qx::Bimap< Left, Right >::const_iterator, Qx::Bimap< Left, Right >, Qx::Cumulation< K, V >, Qx::Error, Qx::FlatMultiSet< T, Compare >, Qx::GenericError, Qx::IError, Qx::Index< T >, Qx::Lopmap< Key, T, Compare >::const_iterator, Qx::Lopmap< Key, T, Compare >, Qx::Table< T >, Qx::TextPos
- operator>>() : Qx::BitArray, Qx::FileStreamReader, Qx::TextStreamReader
- operator>>=() : Qx::BitArray
- operator[]() : Qx::Bimap< Left, Right >, Qx::Lopmap< Key, T, Compare >
- originalFormat() : Qx::SystemError
- outcome() : Qx::DownloadManagerReport, Qx::IoOpReport
- outcomeInfo() : Qx::IoOpReport
- outcomeString() : Qx::DownloadManagerReport
- overlayAccessibleDescription() : Qx::TaskbarButton
- overlayIcon() : Qx::TaskbarButton